Frequently Asked Questions About Planets in Astrology

People ask me these questions regularly. What is the significance of Planets in Astrology! What are the days of the week named after? Which planet is connected to which deity?
I have tried to answer all this and more.

Q1. How many planets are there in Astrology?

Ans There are seven planets in Indian astrology. These seven planets are
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn.
Let us learn their Hindi names.
Basics of Astrology
Each of the planets has a weekday associated with it.
Basics of Astrology
There are two shadow planets in Indian Astrology.  
These two planets are Rahu and Ketu.

These are also known as छाया ग्रह.  The “north node” and the “south node” respectively.

Rahu and Ketu are not real planets.

 They are just mathematical points.
Rahu and Ketu are also called the head and tail of a dragon respectively.
These points lie on the orbit of the Moon around earth cuts the orbit of the earth around the sun. 
Apart from these 9 planets, there are 11 moving mathematical sub planets, also called उपग्रह.  

Q2. How are planets in Astrology related to Vishnu’s Avataras?

Ans. This world consists of two essences – living essence (जीवांश) and supreme essence (परमात्मांश). 
Planets are manifestations of different aspects of these essences.
राम, कृष्ण, वराह, नरसिंह रूप सम्पूर्ण परमात्मा से युक्त हैं, जबकि इनके अतिरिक्त शेष प्रसिद्ध अवतारों में जीवांश भी विद्यमान हैं ।
Basics of Astrology

Q3. What are Benefic and Malefic Planets in Astrology? 

 Ans. The planets are divided into two categories. 

Malefic Planets and Benefic Planets 

It is based on their inherent nature
This helps in determining the results given by planets. 

Benefics (शुभ ग्रह / सोम्य ग्रह) 

Jupiter and Venus are natural benefics. Mercury becomes natural benefic when it is alone or associated with other natural benefits. The waxing Moon of Shukla Paksha (वर्धमान चंद्रमा) is a natural benefic. 

Malefics (अशुभ ग्रह / पाप ग्रह / क्रूर ग्रह) 

Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are natural malefics. Mercury becomes a natural malefic when it associates with another natural malefic. The waxing moon of Krishna Paksha (क्षीण चंद्रमा) is a natural malefic.

Q4. What colours are associated with planets in Vedic Astrology?

Ans. There are two ways to associate the colours with planets.

One is by the complexion of ascendant.  It happens due to the planet’s influence on their horoscope.

For example, a person who has Mercury domination will be wheatish (सांवला) in complexion.

Each planet emits rays of certain colours. The colour gives a certain type of appearance to the planet. So to strengthen the weak planet, astrologers advise remedies around the associated colour

For example, a person who has malefic Jupiter is advised to donate yellow food items as a remedy.

It is common to observe that astrologers mix the two and talk about colours.

Sun emits blood-Red colour.

The moon emits Tawny colour.

Mars shows Red.

Mercury shows green colour like grass.

Jupiter shows tawny colour.

Fascinating, right!?

I hope you could your find answers in this blog. If not, please write it down in the comments below. I will answer them.

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