There are some rules for surgery in Medical Astrology. When we follow these rules – the surgeries turn out to successful. it also means faster recovery for the patient. Fascinated enough? Read on for more. This piece of information is contributed by Mr Jatinder Pal Singh Sandhu. He is the author of the 2 accomplished books on Medical Astrology.
Rules for Operations in Medical Astrology
as taken from the Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology, by H.L. Cornell, M.D.
Statistics show that operations are more successfully performed when the Moon is increasing in light ie between the New & Full Moon.
The patient heals more quickly and is less liable to complications.
As compared to when the Moon is past the full and decreasing.
Note the following Medical Astrology Rules
1. Operate on the increase of the Moon if possible.
2. Do not operate at the exact time of the Full Moon, as the fluids are running high at this time.
3. Never operate when the Moon is in the same sign as at birth.
4. Never operate upon that part of the body ruled by the sign through which the Moon is passing at the time, but wait a day or two until the Moon passes into the next sign below, and especially if the Moon be in conjunction, square or opposition Neptune, Uranus, Saturn or Mars at the time. This rule should be especially followed in major operations.
Ptolemy says, “Pierce not with iron that part of the body which may be governed by the sign actually occupied by the Moon”
5. Do not operate when the Moon is applying closely to the square or opposition to the Sun, Saturn or Mars.
6. Let the Moon be increasing in light, and in sextile or trine Jupiter or Venus and not afflicted by Mars.
7. Let the Moon be in a fixed sign
but not in the sign ruling the part to be operated upon, and such sign of the Moon also not on the ascendant.
8. Do not operate when the Moon is applying to any aspect of Mars, as such tends to danger of inflammation & complications after the operation.
9. Avoid operations when the Sun is in the sign ruling the part upon which the operation is to be performed.
10. Never operate when the Moon is combust, or within 17 degrees of the Sun, and with the Moon opposite Mars at the same time.
11. The Moon should be free from all manner of impediment.
12. Jupiter, Venus, and the ruler of the ascendant should be in the ascendant or in the M.C., if possible, and free of Mars affliction.
13. Fortify the Sign ruling the part of the body to be operated upon.
14. A Mars hour is evil for surgical operations.
15. Do not cut a nerve when Mercury is afflicted.
The above rules are from page 608
Immediately preceding the above, Cornell warns (pg 608-9)
There are cosmic factors working on the disease and recovery of our physical body. If we go in surgery knowing this. We will be able to get better and faster results.
Do you think that having an understanding of these factors will improve our life experiences? Let me know in the comments below.
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