How Astrology Empowers & Helps in Making Better Life Decisions

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room for a second. “Going to the astrologer with my birth chart is scary. “पता नहीं क्या बोलेंगे पंडित जी, मेरी जन्म कुंडली देख कर I अगर पंडित जी ने सच में कह दिया कि आपका time period खराब चल रहा है इस साल कोई काम ठीक नहीं होगा. Lord! The Words of Fear and Dread! There rises a crucial question – Is Astrology something to be scared about? Any learned Astrologer will tell you this. Brace yourself for the answer. NO!

Then why are we so scared of it?

We treat the horoscope as HORROR scope.

A Birth chart is indicative of our previous lives and actions.

What we read in our chart is what we have sown in our previous lives.

Have you ever heard someone say,

कितनी अच्छी life जी रहे हैं ज़रूर पिछले जन्म में मोती दान किये होंगे I

This doesn’t mean they actually donated pearls to the needy. It just means that doing kind actions has resulted in an easier life.

Usually, Astrology is perceived as a solution to all our life problems. It is also perceived as a prediction tool to know how life is going to be.

A friend of mine was going through her divorce. As expected a lot of anxiety, stress, social pressure and whatnot. A common friend suggested her to go to the Astrologer to KNOW HER FATE.

To ask the astrologer Divorce होगा या नहीं

Whatever the Panditji says becomes the पत्थर पे लकीर I

When a person approaches an Astrologer, They are in a weak state of mind. Usually, you won’t think of an Astrologer till you face a challenging situation.

We go to them forever fearful पंडितजी कोई उपाय बताओ I

When a person is in a weak mental state we are either looking for a solution or a prediction, which assures us that the future is good.

If there is something negative about the reading then we fall into The TRAP!

The Trap of Fear

In the process, we end up doing remedies. Sometimes really strange “remedies”. Some of them might not even help. The painful situation/mental state continues in life – for the time it is meant to.

Either we declare that Astrology doesn’t work or we keep shuttling from one astrologer to another for help. Performing one ritual after another draining us emotionally, mentally and financially.

Does that mean we should not go to an Astrologer and continue fearing it?


By all means, go to an Astrologer and let Astrology guide you in the right direction.

Astrology is your friend and the Prediction is Guidance.

Astrology works.

This science is authentic.

Every horoscope has negative and positive results. No horoscope is all bad or good. Like no one’s life is completely good or bad. A Horoscope is a powerful tool to understand the life structure – ups and downs of life.

The horoscope aka Birth chart tells a person strong as well as weak areas of their life. This is based on their past karma. With the help of an Astrological reading, one can understand their life challenges. This in turn prepares them to deal with it gracefully.

Now that we know that reading is a tool to guide.

Let’s understand what remedies are and how important they are in “correcting” a life situation.

In my experience and knowledge, the remedies given by a learned and gifted astrologer work. They also serve as emotional support because we know that things will get better soon.

A positive mindset does THE Magic. The situation takes its own time to improve but we are in a better mental state.

Wherever we are in life – a good phase or a bad one. It is an opportunity to learn and grow.

So if one astrological reading is negative and we should ask ourselves – what is it teaching me. By doing this we can turn that negative reading into a learning experience.

If a reading says, they are likely to get married in a certain year. It means that their chances of finding their partner are stronger in that year. It doesn’t mean they will not find a partner after that.

Basically what I am saying is,

We have the power to overrule the predictions of our charts.

FREE WILL is the biggest tool God gave us. If we continue doing good deeds, show kindness towards people then we can reduce the negative effects of our chart.

Similarly, bad deeds cancel the good phase of our life.

The remedies we perform and our actions do not eliminate the hurdles from our life. It informs us and prepares us for what is going to come. Think weather forecast on the news channel.

Why do we want to know if it will rain during the day or not?

Does this knowledge stop the rain?


But this knowledge does prevent your expensive shoe from getting ruined. (nobody wants that, right) haha

Although I feel, no shoe is worth getting soaking wet but you get my point.

So, just like we follow weather predictions and wear our rain-proof shoes. Getting an astrological reading prepares us mentally and makes us stronger to deal with what is coming.

Try to Replace Bad phase with Learning phase.

This automatically puts us in a positive mindset. When we are in a positive mindset there are fewer chances of people taking advantage of us. aka inexperienced and greedy people trying to make a living out of our pain.

Be mindful of who we go to for advice and remedies.

If someone is already going through a financial crisis then remedies like pay this much money to me and I will give you this उपाय which will end all your troubles.

Possibilities are that we find ourselves deeper in financial trouble doing the उपाय which may not even work for us.

What to do in such a scenario?

  • Follow your instincts and do not panic
  • Go to a learned and a skilled person
  • Do not let anyone take advantage of an already difficult situation and make it worse.

A skilled Astrologer won’t do astrological consultations as a hobby/fun/entertainment/money minting business. A wrong prediction deeply impacts a person’s life. Their mental, emotional state, their relationships, their finances. In short, it can take away happiness from someone’s life.

What to Avoid?

Choose who to consult. Avoid casual consultations like wanna Astrologers sitting in malls, resorts doing predictions via the birth chart, parrots, coffee mugs and whatnot.

Should we show a child’s Birth Chart to an Astrologer?

A child keeps unwell or keeps getting hurt. Or maybe he doesn’t perform well in school. Parents tend to show their birth chart to Pandit Ji.

They are curious to know बच्चे का future bright तो होगा ना I What kind of job, career the child will have.

Try to avoid consulting especially if the child is below 12 years of age.

Astrology is your Friend

Only in extremely difficult situations take help of Astrology. Timely knowledge about a future challenge prepares us the way you carry an umbrella in the rain (if we know in advance). This works as a preventive method. We can’t stop the rain from happening but we can carry an umbrella with us.

Words like Rahu Dasha, Ketu, Mangal etc. create anxiety in our mind because people have attached fear with it “Be scared of them, do this remedy, else something bad will happen”.

I say, “Don’t get frightened by Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars” etc.

None of the planets are completely good or bad.

Many times, the chart shows a negative result but the ascendant does not get a dasha pattern in their life for that result to become active.

The negative prediction may not even come true but we feel scared and hopeless.

Life as we know is out of anyone’s control. It surprises us in many ways. There are big forces in play that are way beyond our comprehension.

We are both small and big in this scheme of things. You know how?

We can DECIDE on our actions. We have the choice of doing good deeds, help people to the best of our capacity. Improve our Karma (actions).

Do you know what is the best part about getting a prediction?

it gives us the ability to make better decisions. A deeper understanding of a situation and acting accordingly.

For eg: If your birth chart prediction is to avoid business partnerships then follow that.

Just imagine the amount of stress we can save ourselves from. Yet we fear of astrological predictions.


Make peace with the information from your birth chart and use it to make informed decisions. Your deeds TODAY are more powerful than your birth chart (as it only states the deeds of the past).

Be kind, humble, respectful, generous as they will carve out a happy and a positive life journey.

Choose the Life of Virtue!

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